Saturday, January 31, 2009

Building OOo mystery

The build for OOo on Liberia is finished, however I do not know if I did it right or not until we actually work on it. I was talking with Daeseon about why the build does not work for him.

The difference in my build is that I did it in root. But quickly that difference did not help much, because Daeseon build it later, in root, on his machine and it failed at the same spot. I then tried it on my own account on Liberia, it quickly fail after 5 seconds. Saying error "/home/sclaw1/ooo/DEV300_m40/soltools/mkdepend/collectdircontent.cxx on ireland failed
Error code 1, while making '../' "

Now I am testing on Australia in root, and it seem to be building just fine.

As to why it does not work in your user account is unknown.

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting the same problem. Using super user doesn't seem to do the trick..
