Friday, January 23, 2009

DistCC Failure Experience

Ok, I have spent some time with my team in the CDOT trying to figure out the configuration process of DistCC, but we are constantly kept on bumping up against obstacles unexpectedly without a single answer on the internet.

We first encounter the problem of unable to reference CDOT computer by name. But it turns out to be a minor problem of adding the in the DNS. Thanks to Chris Tyler effort in mentioning this in the IRC and I just happened to glanced at it that solved the problem. :)

Eager by the result, we jumped into distribution compilation and this is where the fun starts.
Setting up the distCC daemon on other computer for compilation sounded very easy on the guide written by countless number of authors.

But when actually doing it, it does not work. It kept generating errors saying that it could not connect. (I wish I have copied the error message to post up here). I suspected the reason because we are missing a few steps in between that has to do with HOST and 'make'. I am only making this assumption based upon reading the guide and documentation.


  1. Hey, just a thought. If you are used to Ubuntu and are now using Fedora, have you checked that you have opened the firewall ports required to talk to the clients? Ubuntu doesn't ship with a firewall so it is very easy to forget about opening one up. I run Fedora at home and still forget every now and then to open ports.

  2. It was firewall problem frankie and I solved it... I spent a lot of time for that..
